What's in a name? Specifically the name of my Blog. I thought naming these ramblings would be the easy part, and writing the hard part, until i sat down to actually name it. First of all I am photographer, not a writer - I leave that to my wife, who actually is a writer. I tried all the typical photo puns, word plays and such, but none really worked, or spoke to me.
So what is going to grace this virtual page? What ever strikes me at a particular moment. Probably nothing really important - after all I am no philosopher. It will just be whatever is important at that moment. Which brings me back to the question. What's in a name?
Wrapping Fish is just part of a journalistic expression the full phrase is "Front page today, wrapping fish tomorrow." What seems to be the most important story of the day, what lands on the coveted front page, is still going to end up wrapping fish the next day. So how important is it really? That is the premise of what will appear here - thoughts on what is happening on a particular day at a particular moment, but the next day (hopefully) there will be something new. It is about a moment, and just a moment - a moment to look at, to turn it over in your head, to look at it and through, but then moving on. Looking at it for what it is, just a small piece of a larger whole, but only a piece, the small little piece that i see. Front Page Today.....